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Libraria Novacrin sustine VIATA umana, in toate stadiile ei de dezvoltare.
Suntem alaturi de Asociatia Provita pentru nascuti si nenascuti. Credem ca o persoana aflata in pantecele mamei, indiferent de dimensiunea si stadiul de dezvoltare in care se afla, este la fel de valoroasa ca si persoana celui care s-a nascut.
Credem si sustinem ca AVORTUL voluntar - savarsit prin orice mijloace - este o crima comisa impotriva unui copil aflat in plina dezvoltare si lipsit de aparare. Credem ca in numele libertatii nu putem savarsi prunc-ucideri.
Dorim ca tot mai multe femei si barbati sa devina protectori ai Vietii.
Autism is an emerging area of basic and clinical research, and has only recently been recognized as a major topic in biomedical research. Approximately 1 in 150 children are diagnosed as autistic, so it is also an intense growth area in behavioral and educational treatments. Financial resources have begun to be raised for more comprehensive research and an increasing number of scientists are becoming involved in autism research. In many respects, autism has become a model for conducting translational research on a psychiatric disorder. This text provides a comprehensive summary of all current knowledge related to the behavioral, experiential, and biomedical features of the autism spectrum disorders including major behavioral and cognitive syndromology, common co-morbid conditions, neuropathology, neuroimmunology, and other neurological correlates such as seizures, allergy and immunology, gastroenterology, infectious disease, and epidemiology. Edited by three leading researchers, this volume contains over 80 chapters and nine shorter commentaries by thought leaders in the field, making the book a virtual "who's who" of autism research. This carefully developed book is a comprehensive and authoritative reference for what we know in this area as well as a guidepost for the next several years in all areas of autism research.
Edited by David Amaral, Edited by Daniel Geschwind, Edited by Geraldine Dawson